Demographic data for San Mateo County's residents by Census Tract. Includes population, race, Hispanic ethnicity, gender, age groups, household, family, and housing information. This data is from the 2010 United States Census Summary File 1 (SF1).
Land use type boundaries in San Mateo County. Includes information on landuse density, landuse type, area, and narrative description. This data includes areas in the County's planning jurisdiction. Areas within city jurisdictions are excluded.
Parcels that are regulated under the Williamson Act. The purposes of the Land Conservation Act (Williamson Act) are to preserve the County’s prime soils and intensive high value agricultural operations, and to discourage premature and unnecessary conversion of agricultural land to urban use.
Caltrain station locations created from Caltrain General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data. This data includes points for both stations and stops.