Trails in San Mateo County that are administered by other entities. Includes the California Coastal Trail, Fifield-Cahill Range Trail, Juan Batista De Anza Trail, and the San Francisco Bay Trail .
Boundary of the James V. Fitzgerald Area of Special Biological Significance (Fitzgerald ASBS). The Fitzgerald ASBS. In June 2011, San Mateo County began working on the Fitzgerald ASBS Pollution Reduction Program to comply with the Water Board’s General Exception to the Ocean Plan with Special Protections. The program is led by the Department of Public Works in collaboration with the San Mateo County Resource Conservation District and the San Francisco Estuary Institute. The program is funded in part by a Proposition 84 grant from the State Water Resources Control Board and involves the implementation of targeted stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), water quality studies and BMP effectiveness monitoring within the ASBS watershed boundary, along with education and outreach. The program’s goal is to improve water quality and protect beneficial uses of the Fitzgerald ASBS and additionally assist in the County’s compliance with the ASBS stormwater regulations.
Ward boundaries for the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD). MROSD is divided into seven geographic wards, each represented by an elected Board member for a four-year term.