Welcome to Open San Mateo County, the place to find data published by the County of San Mateo. Explore our data and open government programs including the Shared Vision 2025 and Measure K dashboards, and API access for developers.
Open Data
Explore data provided by the County of San Mateo from restaurant health inspections to public wi-fi use
Open Data
Explore data provided by the County of San Mateo from restaurant health inspections to public wi-fi use
Open Performance
Keep track of the progress of County initiatives and programs
Open Performance
Keep track of the progress of County initiatives and programs
Open Checkbook
Payments of $5,000 or more issued for goods and services at all County-operated sites, from health clinics in Daly City to social service centers in East Palo Alto.
Open Checkbook
Payments of $5,000 or more issued for goods and services at all County-operated sites, from health clinics in Daly City to social service centers in East Palo Alto.
Documentation on how to use the Socrata platform at its API
Documentation on how to use the Socrata platform at its API
Pay Equity Dashboard
This dashboard is one way the County is advancing equity within its workforce
Pay Equity Dashboard
This dashboard is one way the County is advancing equity within its workforce